Leader in active noise control
01 ━━━━ 37 years of experience
In 1985, SOVALTEC, the first company to commercialize active noise control, was created by Dr. Christian Carme and his research colleagues from the C .N.R.S. (LMA). The first helmet with active noise control will be sold to the French army in 1985. TechnoFirst Next Generation (TFNG) is a spin-off of TechnoFirst SA (itself a CNRS spin-off founded in 1990 by Doctor Christian Carme, former researcher at the C.N.R.S. (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). TFNG, as the heir to TechnoFirst SA, continues its development while pursuing a constantly enriched and unanimously recognized innovation strategy. A portfolio of 27 international patents consolidates its know-how. This high technology, proven primarily in the military markets, is also intended for the industrial, transport and construction sectors.
Active control techniques associated with those of traditional noise treatment solutions make it possible to respond to noise and vibration problems that have not been resolved to date.

02 ━━━━ Know how
Design and service
The Design and Development department supports your company in carrying out all your projects aimed at reducing noise or vibrations.
The project begins with an expertise of the need, an analysis and a definition with the client of the specifications of the solution provided.
In collaboration with acoustics and mechanics laboratories, our teams build strategies implementing different technologies (including active control) to adapt existing products to your needs or develop new solutions.

03 ━━━━ Research and innovation
…the successful application of a revolutionary theory…
Doctor Christian Carme leaves the C.N.R.S. and creates TechnoFirst to offer a revolutionary technological solution against acoustic and vibration pollution. The company designs and manufactures high-end protection products (helmets, noise-reducing ventilation ducts, noise-reducing aircraft seats, etc.), whose operation is based on an innovation: Active Noise and Vibration Control. TechnoFirst Next Generation is thus one of the very few companies in the world to master active control technology. This patented technological advance has been rewarded with numerous innovation prizes and hailed by many French and foreign scientific institutes.
…which is based on fundamental and applied research for a prestigious clientele…
Fifteen years of fundamental research in collaboration with big names in the industry have given rise to a whole range of “prototyped” products, then manufactured in small series: active noise-cancelling headphones, noise-cancelling airplane seats, anti-noise ventilation ducts, universal active controllers which have reduced noise and vibration in helicopter cabins. Other prestigious customers (operating in the construction industry, the aeronautics industry, the automotive industry, etc.) call on the skills of TechnoFirst’s design office and choose its products.